Guide 5: Dashboard & Customer Interactions


The Dashboard page allows you to track and analyze customer interactions once the email review requests have been sent out. This guide will explain the key metrics available on the Dashboard and how to use them to follow up with your customers.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access the Dashboard Page

After logging into your Review Lifter account, navigate to the Dashboard page.

Step 2: Understanding Dashboard Metrics

  1. Emails Sent: This shows the total number of email review requests that have been sent.
  2. Email Open Rate: This percentage represents the number of emails that have been opened by customers. An email is counted as opened only if the customer clicks on the Google review link on the review page or submits feedback on the feedback page.
  3. Google Link Clicks via Email: This number indicates how many times customers have clicked the Google review link from the email.
  4. Total Feedbacks: This shows the total number of feedbacks submitted by customers through the feedback page.

Step 3: Viewing Customer Feedback

Below the summary metrics, you can see a detailed list of all feedbacks submitted via your review link. Each feedback entry will include the customer's email, allowing you to contact them for follow-up.

  1. Email: The email address of the customer who submitted the feedback.
  2. Feedback Details: Specific comments provided by the customer.

Step 4: Follow-Up with Customers

Use the emails provided in the feedback section to reach out to customers. Follow up on their feedback to address any concerns. This interaction helps in building a stronger relationship with your customers and improving your service.


The Dashboard provides essential insights into your customer interactions and feedback. Use these metrics to gauge the effectiveness of your email campaigns and to follow up with customers to enhance their experience with your service.

For further assistance, contact support at

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